ME117 Fall 2024-2025 Registration Details

For those who want to/will take ME117 during Fall 2024-2025 semester, read the announcements below. This announcement concerns all students.

  1. Online registrations will be between 25-27.09.2024
  2. Here are the course criteria, students who want to take ME117 MUST satisfy ALL of these conditions:
    • Any year ME student
    • ME students whose surname is between AA-KA range.
    • ME students who never took ME117 before OR with ME117 grade DD or below.
    • Students whose surname is not in AA-KA range (including PROB students) will not be able to take the course this semester, there will be no exception. Students (inluding PROB students) whose ME117 grade is above DD (DC-CC-CB-BB-BA-AA) will not be able to take the course!
    • Soyadı AA-KA aralığında olmayan (PROB öğrencileri dahil) istisnasız hiçbir öğrenci, sebep ne olursa olsun bu dönem ME117’yi alamayacaktır. Yine daha önceki ME117 notu DD’nin üzerinde olan (DC-CC-CB-BB-BA-AA) hiçbir öğrenci (PROB öğrencileri dahil) sebep ne olursa olsun ME117 alamayacaktır. Bu öğrencilerin dilekçe yazması durumunda dilekçeler REDDEDİLECEKTİR.
  3. This semester there will be face-to-face lectures each week and attendance may be taken. Therefore, if you have a conflicting course with ME117, you MUST change the section of that other course, or you MUST drop ME117. Section change requests for ME117 will be REJECTED.
  4. Students will not be allowed to change section. If you have a conflict with another course, you need to change the section of that course.
  5. For those who will take ME117 again, you don’t need to fill any form or etc. Just add the course during interactive registrations and get approval from your advisor. That’s enough.
  6. Other details will be on ODTUClass after 1.10.2024. Check ME117 All Sections on ODTUClass after this date.
  7. All students who want to take ME117 during this semester are recommended to have:
    • A personal computer with min. specs of:
      • A 64-bit processor
      • 64-bit Windows 10 or 11 operating system (MacOS is NOT supported),
      • Min. 4 GB RAM (8 GB or 16 GB recommended),
      • Internet connection,
    • Siemens NX Education License: will be provided to students who don’t have a license at the beginning of the semester. If you already have a license (obtained during prev. semesters), you WON’T need to apply again.
  8. Click here to see the details for ME105 students.
Yukarıdaki koşullara uymamasına rağmen yine de dilekçe yazıp ME117 almak isteyen öğrencilerin dilekçeleri REDDEDİLECEKTİR..